Roundup No. 18: Remote Work Benefits


Welcome back to another Weekly Roundup, Remote Work Tribe! We hope you’ve been having a stellar October. With various areas of the country getting hit with some rough weather these past few days (torrential rain, a snowstorm, and wildfires, anyone?), there’s never been a better time to work from the comfort of your own home. In fact, we’ve been using this entire month to reflect on the various remote work benefits our lifestyle brings. 

Young girl tearfully saying I feel so thankful just like we feel about remote work benefits

Of course, seeking shelter warm at home while the world outside is cold and wet sounds like an obvious benefit. But aside from comfort and flexibility, there are a ton of remote work benefits not everyone in the remote workforce saw coming pre-pandemic. 

Consider this thread by Firstbase Founder and CEO Chris Herd.

Chris hits an enormous amount of nails on the head, specifically the remote work benefits we may have not anticipated when we all embarked on this lifestyle.

From receiving more individualized attention to more hours of sleep each night, a remote work lifestyle helps each employee perform to the best of their ability. Plus, with less distractions at home, most of us are also experiencing a streamlined workflow and improved concentration.

What unexpected remote work benefits have you experienced while working from home? Tweet us @RemoteWorkTribe! But before you leave, check out what else went down in the remote work industry this week! 

Jim Carrey looking through two glass cups as binoculars

The Tribe’s Weekly Vibes

1. This excellent substitution for a typical lunch break.

2. This gradual “work” merger.

3. This new addition to the Remote Work Tribe.

4. This proof that three-year-olds have much higher emotional intelligence than we give them credit for.

5. This top skill remote recruiters will soon be on the lookout for.

6.  This perk of spousal remote work support.

7. This reminder that the remaining task on your to-do list do not measure your performance.

8. This helpful hint that virtual events will not magically build themselves (though that would be an awesome remote work benefit).

9. This helpful tidbit that despite current COVID-19 restrictions, “remote work” means you can work anywhere, not just from home.

10. This highlight of the one skill you need to be an effective remote manager.


What’s happening in your remote world this week? Tag us over on Instagram, @TheRemoteWorkTribe, or on Twitter, @RemoteWorkTribe, for a chance to be featured on our next weekly thread!

Man standing at a door doing the peace sign with his fingers and saying peace while exiting the room.

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