Happy weekend and Happy Halloween, Remote Work Tribe! 🎃 Spooky season is almost nearing a close, but not without one last scare: burnout. If you’re late to the party, let us catch you up and share our latest remote work resource.
This week, Remote Work Tribe released two chapters of our upcoming ebook, “Burnout: A Remote Worker’s Biggest Opponent.” This new remote work resource is jam-packed with everything you need to know about occupational burnout, from its causes and symptoms to how to prevent it from rearing its ugly head.
As jack-o-lanterns are lit and candy is being snacked on, it’s important to remember that spooky things happen to remote workers all the time, not just during the month of October. And now that we’re nearing month seven of COVID restrictions, more employees are feeling the pressures of burnout than ever before.

If you or someone on your remote team is beginning to show the earliest signs of burnout, including irritability, exhaustion, or noticeable differences in workflow, we encourage you to give the first two chapters of our ebook a read. 👉
While our latest remote work resource can’t reverse burnout, it can certainly help you and your remote team navigate and normalize the emotions you’re feeling. (And a bucket of chocolate and candy this weekend can help too.) Let us know what you thought of Chapters One and Two down below!
But before you head out this spooky weekend, check out what the Remote Work Tribe was up lately.

The Tribe’s Weekly Vibes
1. This pur-suading reason to participate in an upcoming video call.
2. This reminder that even in the world of remote work, it’s essential to set your boundaries.
3. This simple point to ensure good leadership.
4. This landside of a win between EQ v.s. IQ.
5. This newly listed remote position.
6. This gentle reminder to not let a stressful week eliminate your health and comfort.
7. This guidance on accelerating progress.
8. This understanding that companies can’t praise 1:1 communication flow when it’s honestly a game of hot potato.
9. This unnecessary battle between geographic restrictions and remote positions.
10. This reminder of when remote work was deemed impossible.
What’s happening in your remote world this week? Tag us over on Instagram, @TheRemoteWorkTribe, or on Twitter, @RemoteWorkTribe, for a chance to be featured on our next weekly thread!