Happy weekend, Remote Work Tribe, and welcome back to another Weekly Roundup! If you’re new here, our Weekly Roundup is a collection of anything and everything remote work, including the highlight of today: community building.
In the remote landscape, a community means much more than simply being geographically close to someone or sharing a social network. Rather, a community is a connection—between employees, managers, and founders alike—that makes us all feel responsible for our shared values.
Founder and VP of Community, David Spinks, says it best:
Within the remote landscape, community building is paramount. Powerful communities support team members, providing a sense of camaraderie and enabling strategic connections worldwide. They act as a source of tangible advice that community members can apply to their careers or businesses. Not to mention, community members often share a passion for continuous growth and learning.

Above all, impactful communities spark changes. They’re not a “who’s who” of what’s happening right now in the world, but a “who wants in” for molding what’s happening next.
In other words —
Have you been wondering how to bolster community building on your remote team? In Chapter 7 of our ebook, “Burnout: The Remote Worker’s Biggest Opponent” we break down various community building activities, both in-person and virtually.
But before you go, check out what else the remote community was up to this week!

The Tribe’s Weekly Vibes
1. This remote form of workplace intimidation.
2. This reminder to stop focusing on numbers while community building.
3. This quality remote investment you may have never considered.
4. This breakdown of the various remote work benefits.
5. These obvious reasons you should consider before investing in one of those “gurus.”
6. This reminder to not take rejections personally (even 3 years later).
7. This point to consider before voicing your expert opinion.
8. This transition from social media manager to world-class brain surgeon.
How are you community building this week? Tag us over on Instagram, @TheRemoteWorkTribe, or on Twitter, @RemoteWorkTribe, for a chance to be featured on our next weekly thread!

[…] we like to share anything and everything remote work — from new working policies to tips for building a community. The start of the New Year has certainly been busy for our community, and you know what’s felt it […]