In this episode of the Remote Work Tribe podcast, we chat with Brooklin Nash, co-founder of Beam Content. He generously shares his journey as a freelancer, what he learned on that path, and how he incorporated his learnings now running a content agency.
Episode timestamps:
- Why start an agency? (0:50)
- Mindset shifts from being a freelancer to running an agency and managing a team. (2:15)
- What were the first processes he documented, and how did that go? (3:55)
- What other processes or SOPs has he created beyond the core documentation? (5:30)
- How to find, hire, and retain the best talent? (6:20)
- What stood out during the interviews that allowed him to find the best talent? (8:50)
- How to build camaraderie in the team? (11:50)
- How his experience as a freelancer has helped him become an agency leader? (13:29)
- What is the most common feedback he provides to his team? (16:30)
- What is it like leading a team across timezones? (17:55)
- Resources that have helped him become a better leader? (19:08)
- Lightning round questions. (22:28)
- Things freelancers should know that they probably do not know. (23:20)
We hope you enjoy it!
Links mentioned on the podcast.