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Roundup No. 18: Remote Work Benefits

Man sitting outside while using laptop enjoying remote work benefits

Of course, seeking shelter warm at home while the world outside is cold and wet sounds like an obvious benefit of remote work. But aside from comfort and flexibility, there are a ton of remote work benefits not everyone in the workforce saw coming pre-pandemic.

Roundup No. 17: Remote Worker Mental Health

Man sitting at desk rubbing eyes stressed out due to poor mental health

Mental health is something that absolutely, 100 percent should not be a taboo, but somehow… it is. We’ve spent the past several weeks diving into research regarding burnout, the stigma surrounding mental health, and the anxiety to discuss personal matters in the workplace. It appears that 9 times out of 10, remote workers feel ashamed, embarrassed, or too nervous to admit to a team member or...

Roundup No. 16: Remote Burnout

Large flames

We’ve done a lot of talking lately about remote work policies and how many companies have embraced the power of a remote workforce. Something we haven’t jumped into yet? Remote burnout.

Roundup No. 15: Virtual Learning Duties While #WFH

Remote Work Tribe weekly thread

As fall kicks into high-gear across the country, another yearly phenomena has kick-started across the globe: back to school. But instead of the traditional academic school year, many parents are faced with new duties for virtual learning.

Roundup No. 14: Remote Work Policy Wins

Remote Work Tribe weekly thread

Initially, Google made waves when it extended its remote work policy until Summer 2021. However, another tech giant has weighed in on corporate-turned-virtual: Apple.

Roundup No. 13: Remote Climate Disaster Response

Remote Work Tribe weekly thread

While many physical office locations have a climate disaster preparedness plan, the topic of evacuation or relocation doesn’t always pop up in a remote worker’s handbook. Should remote companies have a disaster plan?

Roundup No. 12: Company Culture on Remote Teams

Remote Work Tribe weekly thread

This week is all about improving team morale through company culture. While it can be difficult to replicate on-site company culture remotely, it’s certainly not impossible.